So I woke up grumpy, tired, kind of hot and cold. Bleck! And no desire to work. I started to worry. Is my insatiable work apatite fading? Please no. I sat on the couch for a bit, wallowing in my worry and fatigue. After a couple of hours of nearly convincing myself that I had the flu I got up and made coffee. Then I watered the garden, I cut a wild little bouquet of stuff from my garden including some lettuce and mint that I let get waaaaay too leggy, I washed the dishes, I made the bed, I fed Berklie (the cat), and then along came my second wind, or I guess technically it was my first wind of the day. Tragedy averted. I made a beeline for my studio and proceeded to work until 7pm. Then from 7-10 I edited photos and posted items to etsy. Then, around 11o'clock I made dinner. Grits.
Can you tell that Tom is out of town? I am far more dramatic when Tom is away.
<<<<<<<<<< oh, and then this happened >>>>>>>>>>
I went to bed all set to have a very restful night. I was reading for a bit before turning out the light. All of the sudden I felt a bug fly into my neck. I started flailing around to get it off me. I didn't see the bug but it seemed to be gone. I read a bit more then went to turn off the light. That's when I felt it. THEBUGWASINMYSHIRTANDITWASAROACH!!!!!
If you know me at all you know that aside from losing a loved one roaches are my GREATEST fear.
I flipped and flailed and screamed and gasped and hyperventilated!
I know it's a bit irrational but I am terrified of roaches.
Give me a snake, a spider, please give me a rat! But roaches? Why are they here?? E-gads they are awful! It was horrifying.
So much for my restful night.
<<<<<<<<<< oh, just one more thing >>>>>>>>>>
I am doing the drawing tonight when Tom gets home. So I will announce the winner tomorrow. Swears!