Monday, November 28, 2011
My Donut
Monday, November 14, 2011
my favorite holiday
So anyway, I think that's why I like the holidays so much, it's all about tradition. I'm in charge of pies for our dinner. I have a ritual. I get up, turn on my little kitchen tv (it's shaped like and apple and CUTE!) to watch the parade while I make the crusts. Typically I make five pies. Two pumpkin, two pecan, and one apple of some sort. This year the apple is gonna be honey, rosemary apple! The pie pictured was my test run. I had to make sure it was gonna be okay, you never know when adding something savory to something sweet.
Honey Rosemary Apple Pie
1 double crust pie crust - I highly recommend making your own! It's not hard!!!!
5-6 large granny smith apples, peeled, cored, and sliced
1/4 - 1/2 cup honey depending on how sweet you like your apple pies
3 tablespoons of flour
1-2 teaspoons of rosemary, whole or chopped (I left mine whole because I wanted the more rustic look)
two tablespoons of butter (NOT MARGARINE!)
preheat oven to 375
Add everything to a large bowl and toss until the apples are evenly coated with flour and honey. Pour into the bottom crust. Dot the top of the apples with the butter. I just pull it into bits with my fingers. Put top crust on. I did a lattice crust but you can do a regular crust and just poke vent holes with a fork. You can crack open and egg at this point, whisk it together and brush the egg over the top of your pie to give it that lovely golden color - I add sugar crystals at this point too (makes it sparkle!). Wrap edges of crust with foil for the first half of baking so it doesn't burn. Put the pie in the bottom third of the oven (this helps the bottom crust to back and not be mushy). bake for 25 minutes. Take the foil off and bake another 25 minutes. Take your pie out and put it on a cooling rack...setting your pie right on the counter can cause the bottom crust to get soggy.
All done!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Girlie Show + 2 earthquakes = a great weekend!
Start to finish it was a wonderful adventure! We even survived TWO earthquakes while we were there!! One Friday night (I thought my mom had crawled out of her bed and was shaking my bed). And the second on Saturday night was actually the largest earthquake in Oklahoma history! Crazy! It felt like an amusement park ride, totally bizarre. My mom and I just sat there starring at each other. i think I said "I don't know what to do" three or four times. Gotta say, I was happy to be back in Texas - land of still earth. All in all the whole thing was chock full of fun with friends and a work experience I am anxious to repeat! Hopefully this is the beginning of the perfect holiday season.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Birthday pretty girl.

I remember being at work with time crawling by like ants with a full belly. It was late in the evening. Tom was going by the HS on his way home from work and was supposed to call me when he left with her. He did. And here's what he said. "I think they gave me the wrong dog." Me, "What do you mean?" Tom, "I think they gave me the wrong dog." Me, "What do you mean?" Tom, "I don't know, but I think they gave me the other puppy." Me, "Well did you tell them? What did they say?" Tom, "No, the other puppies have already been picked up." Me, "I'm calling them." So I call the HS. Apparently the ENTIRE time we had been interacting with the WRONG puppy. The already adopted puppy. Something about the id numbers being transposed in the computer. I don't know. But their solution was "Well, you can bring her back." But we knew we were not going to get the puppy we'd fallen in love with, she was gone, left the building, adios! So, time to meet our new dog for the first time.

Happy Birthday baby girl. Love you.
Blue Dog Rescue,
dog adoption,
dog birthday,
Friday, October 21, 2011
the last cuddle.
Blue Dog Rescue,
Della Street,
foster dog
Monday, October 17, 2011
one dozen
Yesterday marked 12 years of marriage for Tom and I. A dozen years. I'm pretty crazy proud of that. Early, early on in our marriage I told Tom that I wanted to be like Paul and Linda McCartney and never spend a night apart (I think they spent three nights apart over their entire marriage). We haven't quite managed that, but we are pretty darn amazing.
We met at a record store in 1996...
We both had significant others, but there was just something about him. I look back on it now and the way we started out was really a recipe for disaster. But we just kept creeping on to the next step...never really in the "right" order. Sneaking around, breaking up with the significant others, sort-of dating, sort-of moving in together, really moving in together, adopting a dog, buying a house, adopting a second dog, and last but not least...
...getting married. We had THE most amazing wedding. It was exactly everything I wanted. We got married in my parents back yard. They worked for months planting roses and building trellises to make it gorgeous and yet not over-the-top. It was a beautiful evening, there was a giant white tent, orange-vanilla candles, we danced to Nobody Knows Me by Lyle Lovett, and most importantly everyone I love most in the world was there. I walked in barefoot in my handmade (by my mom and my other mom) dress that was layers and layers and layers of yellow tulle. ohhhhh, I could do that day over and over and over again...
And now here we are, 12 years later and I love him more today than I did on that perfect night. I could say all of those cheesy things like we complete each other and we fit and we are perfect for each other and they would all be true, but they still aren't enough. I adore him with every fiber of my being. And I am grateful, insanely grateful for every one of the 4,380 days I've spent married to him. And I'm looking forward to the next 4,380.
We met at a record store in 1996...

Monday, October 10, 2011
settling in.
The day we lost Preacher we were kind of all over the map figuring out how to cope. Tom's immediate reaction was "we have to get rid of the couch", his couch. We both could not bare the thought of seeing it empty. We kind of manically rearranged the furniture that very day. And that actually helped quite a bit for both of us. But for Seven I think it created even more stress. She was the dog I was most worried about. She was the one who was here for his whole life. She's the one who welcomed him home. She is the one who we could send out into the yard to get him when he couldn't hear that it was time to come in. We could tell her "Go get Preacher" and she'd run into the yard and bring him in. So we made sure that she saw him before he left the house. For days she paced the house. Was she missing him? Looking for him? Or was the furniture rearrangement just throwing her off?
Our sweet, bossy, barky-ass girl is turning 14 at the end of this month. We need life to be normal for her, for life to be easy for her. Happily she appears to have found her new spot in our rearranged life. I love her here in her newly claimed chair. I brought this chair home from my Aunt Millie's house, which for some reason makes me love her in it even more. It's not quite normal, we're just settling in.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Meet Miss Della Street.
But the night before we lost Preacher I got a new foster puppy. A six week old pit bull baby we named Della Street (I've been on a huge Perry Mason run lately). Because I was scheduled to leave for an art show in Kansas early the next morning Della went to stay with my best friend until I got home. Needless to say the I didn't end up leaving town...but bringing a puppy into the house was difficult to wrap my brain around. I think Tom was feeling the same way though we were both having trouble putting words to our thoughts. But after about a week we decided to give it a go.
I'm not gonna lie, it's been a challenge. At first I had zero bonding going on. Oddly I think I kind of resented her. I know that is awful, but it's honest. I feel terrible about it now, but you never know how you are going to process things like this and while I wish I would have felt different, it is what it is.
Monday, October 3, 2011
my sweet boy.
We lost Preacher early on Thursday September 22nd. It was fairly sudden. Tom and I were with him, just the two of us. He took the hard decision out of our hands...something I will be forever grateful for and in awe of. As difficult as it was, and it was excruciating, I was able to hold my baby and feel the last beat of his heart.
I've had a hard time making sense of everything. I want to be angry, but how can I be? I was able to share his life with him. We were given and incredible amount of time with him. I'm trying to make sense of everything. Trying to understand how he was just here... I'm trying to hold on to memories, think about the good things, but I'm not quite there yet. I'm having a hard time finding any relief in much of anything just yet. But I know that I need to find a way to be happy. I need to find a way to feel normal again, just like we did with every milestone we passed through Preacher's life with us.

one. We have THE best family and friends in the entire world. They have all treated this with the gravity that it is for Tom and I. We've received flowers. People have cooked for us. Lots of sweet cards. Texts every single day to see how my day is. Listening to me cry and crying with me. Sitting with me. Donations to Blue Dog. And more.
two. As much as I have wanted to get in bed and not see the light of day for a good long time I know that that would be no way to honor my boy. I need to live my life with all the joy that he brought to me for 12 years three months and 16 days.
three. I have never believed in Heaven as much as I do now. I cannot believe that I will never see my baby again. I just can't.
There are so many of you who have read my blog over the years. I don't kid myself. I know that Preacher was why. And I thank you for every time you read about him and wished him well. For every comment you made. There was something about this dog. People lucky enough to meet him would want to come back to get their "Preacher fix" - you know who you are! People who knew him vicariously through Tom and I felt like they knew him and were rooting for him. He just had a way of drawing people to him. I have to pinch myself sometimes because I was lucky enough to be his mom.

I love you and I miss you more than I ever knew was possible. I still scoop your food out in the morning and walk into the kitchen to get your meds. I'm terrified of forgetting the way you smell, the way you feel, the way you sound... Someone I met while dealing with your cancer told me that one day I would be able to feel you by my side again. I am dreaming of that day. I got your name tattooed on my wrist the other day. It gives me something to rub when what I want is to pet you. I'm trying to figure out my feelings from one minute to the next but the bottom line is I miss you terribly. You made it too easy to love you. You filled up our lives so much that now there is a Preacher shaped hole in our world. Thank you for letting me be your mom. Thank you for fighting so hard and giving us these last two extra years. Thank you for making it easy on us in the end. Thank you for being the bravest boy in the whole world. I love you Big Man.
your mom
Blue Dog Rescue,
dog adoption,
dog cancer,
Great Dane,
loss of a dog,
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Flea, Flea, Flea!!!

The Austin Flea @ The Highball on South Lamar from 11am-5pm. Be there or be square!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
how many times can you fall in love?
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
my house
What really surprised me emotionally was my attachment to my house. I've always thought that if I could, financially, I would buy a cute little, old house in the heart of Austin. But thinking of losing this house has made me realize how much I love it and that I seriously doubt if I could leave it for something "better". It's funny how we get it in our heads that we want a certain thing. But life changes and sometimes we don't realize that what we want and need has changed too. When we bought this house nearly 13 years ago I never, ever would have thought it would be my forever home. But now, honestly, I can't imagine ever living anywhere else.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
enjoying today.
What is that saying? Life is what is happening when you're not sleeping? That's not it, but it's something like that, right? I'm trying to keep that in mind - that idea of enjoying everything as it's happening. I do worry about the future. What if this or what if that. But I also may spend too much time looking to the past - wanting to make today look just like some perfect day from years ago. It's hard to just rest in the moment, to enjoy the way your life looks at this very spot in time. I think it's an art, accomplishing that. I'm workin' on it, but it's a process for sure. Anyone got any secrets?
Sunday, August 21, 2011
its the little things

Friday, August 19, 2011
My life in a photo
jewelry. metalsgirl
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The only way to turn 40.
I have been dreading this birthday with a passion I cannot put into words. I honestly don't care two hoots about age usually but I think there's a whole biological clock thing...well, whatever. Suffice it to say I was not excited. So my sweet and wonderful mom decided a big blow out would be a great distraction - and even better, include all of my friends also turning the big 4.0. this year.
So, here's the five us looking a mighty mature forty.
It was THE best birthday ever. EVER. I figure if I can ring in forty in a pink tutu then I don't need to worry about the whole age thing all that much.

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