I'm not one of those people who thrives under pressure. Let's just get that out there. Maybe that is not something that I should share, I should let everyone think that I am, at all times, calm, cool, and collected. But since I am fairly certain that the cat's out of the bag, I don't think putting it in writing is gonna shock anyone. And to say that I don't "thrive" is a little misleading too - the fact is, I can truly shut down under pressure. When things pile up I can go into full on panic mode. So a few weeks ago when I was whining about work being slow...well, be careful what you ask for because I am SLAMMED now! Which is good for the business side of my life. But then life comes along and makes work seem so trivial. It's all such a big, giant balancing act.

But in times like these, in the evening, no matter how late, if I can find some time to sit in my chair with a dog or two in my lap (or a foster puppy around my neck like a stole) I can recharge a bit. I honestly don't know how people live with out animals. I don't. When I am sad or anxious or mad or whatever I can look at one of my dogs and realize that for them - I am IT! I am the end-all-be-all (well, me and Tom). And over these last few days it feels pretty good to be such a rock star even if it's just to a dog.