At 10 years old he's really not much different than he was at 10 months old when we adopted him from Great Dane Rescue in Dallas. He had the same need for a good 20 hours of sleep a day, the same annoyed look when you sit too close on the couch with out continuous petting, the same bizarre inability to drink from a bowl of water unless it is filled to the brim. He's funny, sweet, and oh so precious to me.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
my cuddle bug
At 10 years old he's really not much different than he was at 10 months old when we adopted him from Great Dane Rescue in Dallas. He had the same need for a good 20 hours of sleep a day, the same annoyed look when you sit too close on the couch with out continuous petting, the same bizarre inability to drink from a bowl of water unless it is filled to the brim. He's funny, sweet, and oh so precious to me.