I have a whole little pile of stuff to share. None of it really goes with this photo, but I can't really have a blog post without a photo now can I?? So I thought I'd go ahead and send out my blog's Holiday card and long with all of this holiday hoopla!
First of all, if you read this, live in Austin, and it's before 6pm on Sunday 12/12 do yourself a favor and get over to
Cherrywood Art Fair! This might be the best year ever. Seriously. I have already purchased three or four gifts - four if I can manage to part with any of the cutest upcycled sweater flowers from Sarah Bird! Here are a few stand outs:
It really is just a super fun time. Today Tom walks up to me carrying homemade ice cream sandwiches! Mine was oatmeal cookies with marscapone and fig ice cream! What?!? oh lordy it was good! So, come see me...OH, I almost forgot the two most exciting things that happened to me today:
- a girl I had never met came up and said "I just wanted to tell you that I love your blog!" That was seriously so exciting!! So, if you read this and you know who you are - Thank you! That was a very cool moment for me.
- While looking through my bottlecaps a young, 20something girl squealed with delight when she found a Raymond Burr bottlecap! How cool is it that someone so young even knows who he is much less squealed about him AND purchased him!! Fantastic!
My next little bit of info is to warn you that baking day is this week. Any of you remember the post from last baking day? Uh, we baked for like 73 hours straight. Not really, but it felt like it. Anyway, prepare yourself for the onslaught of hunger-inducing photos!! And apparently my little brother wants to chin the tradition this year - here and I thought it was no-boys-allowed!
And last, I am in dire need of men gift suggestions. I have several boys/men to buy for. Help! If you have any ideas or suggestions I am all ears.
Off to bed. Sleep well my dears.